What You Need to Know About Lowering High Blood Pressure

Heart Disease

One of the many illnesses that is associated with the consumption of tobacco is lung cancer, and the question on how can refrain from smoking benefits an individual’s health is an important one. The answer to this question can largely be dependent upon the severity of the smoker’s dependence on this vice. For those who are relatively healthy, then refraining from smoking should be sufficient to reduce their risk of getting cancer. 

However, for the smoker: that is not as healthy or that has developed some sort of respiratory ailment that is related to their smoking habit, then keeping to a strict regimen of not smoking would be advisable. How can refrain from smoking benefit an individual’s health in this case? The first thing to note is that if the smoker has been smoking for quite some time already, they will be at an increased risk of developing certain types of cancer. These include lung cancer and nasal congestive problems, which are both directly related to the smoker’s inability to breathe through their nose because of their smoking habit. For these individuals, how can refrain from smoking significantly reduce their risk? 

One answer to the question: on how can refrain from smoking benefit an individual’s health? If the smoker has been smoking for a long time, they may be at risk of developing gum disease. This is due to the fact that the longer the smoker has been smoking, the more chance that the gum disease has formed. If they want to slow down the development of gum disease, then it would be best if they would stop smoking as soon as possible. 

Smoking also affects the body’s blood pressure: which in turn affects how can refrain from smoking benefit an individual’s health? When an individual stops smoking, the amount of plaque that builds up in the arteries starts to decrease. In addition to decreasing the amount of plaque, smoking reduces the flow of blood through the arteries. Since the heart needs oxygen to function properly, without oxygen the heart can malfunction and cause heart attack, stroke, or heart failure, which is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. There is a higher risk of dying from these conditions if one is still smoking, so smoking cessation is definitely one of the main ways on how can refrain from smoking benefit an individual’s health. 

Smoking also affects the nervous system: which in turn affects how can refrain from smoking benefit an individual’s health? Because nicotine is a nerve relaxant, it creates a calming effect on the nerves, which is why it is often times used as a sleeping aid. Many smokers have a hard time getting a good night’s sleep because of the effects of secondhand smoke. Without the harmful effects of secondhand smoke, a smoker may be able to get a better night’s sleep and feel more refreshed the following day. 

When trying to decide on the best way: on how can refrain from smoking benefit an individual’s health, you should first consult your doctor. Your doctor will know whether or not smoking is going to affect your health in a negative way. If you smoke, you should quit, and the best way to do this is by finding an effective program.

You can stop smoking today!
