
The term “Masteron cycle” is quite synonymous in the world of bodybuilding. Masteron is an anabolic steroid that’s used by anyone who would like to pack some insane amount of muscle within a short period. Drostanolone Propionate, or Drostanolone Enanthate, as it’s also known as, can be bought online. Just make sure you are getting it from a legit source. 

There are two forms of Masteron available on the market. The first one is the propionate, and the other one is Enanthate. The propionate acts much faster than Enanthate. So, you can choose to buy either of them depending on your expectations. 

How Does Masteron Work?

Masteron has a fascinating way of how it works. First, you have to inject it into your body. Once you do so, it’ll flow through your bloodstream into your muscles where the necessary chemical reactions should take place. Since its properties mimic that of dihydrotestosterone, Masteron doesn’t get converted into estrogen after the aromatization process, which is quite effective as it promotes muscle growth without any interruption. 

With the aromatase enzyme effectively blocked from converting testosterone to estrogen, Masteron users will realize more muscle growth and less fat accumulation in their bodies. That’s how they manage to acquire their desired physique while using Masteron. 

But, Masteron isn’t a substitute for hard work because one needs to exercise hard for the anabolic steroid to come through for them. That’s how Masteron users tend to avoid bloating and water retention, which can keep anyone from actualizing proper muscle definition. 

Masteron Cycle

There are two kinds of Masteron cycles. These include the basic and the advanced Masteron cycle. Let’s start with the basic/intermediate Masteron cycle:

The intermediate Masteron cycle takes about ten weeks. So, it would be in your best interest to mark your calendar from Week 1 to Week 10. Doing so ensures that you won’t miss a week as well as dosage. You’ll be required to inject 400mg per week. That’s about 100mg after every alternating day. 

You’ll also need about 100mg per week of testosterone propionate to be administered at least 25mg every alternate day of that week. Finally, you’ll need a daily dose of Anavar of about 50-70mg per day for the entire 10-week duration. The intermediate or basic Masteron cycle is aimed at cutting the excess weight more than growing muscle. 

Your diet is also key in the intermediate Masteron cycle as it has to complement what the anabolic steroid is trying to accomplish. So, it would be in your best interest to consult a nutritionist to help you ought with the right recipes. If you can’t get your hands on a nutritionist, feel free to conduct proper research on the internet, as there are many recipes you can access for free.

The advanced Masteron cycle is slightly different from the basic Masteron cycle. For starters, it requires a daily dose of Masteron and not alternative days. You’ll also need to switch up your diet to accommodate muscle growth. If you follow the advanced cycle to the latter, you should end up with a hardened, well-defined body. You’ll also add Trenbolone in place of Anavar and still use the same dosage.

Uses of Masteron 

There are quite many uses of Masteron. The first one is a strength booster. In the world of bodybuilding, one needs to build strength first if they are to pack the right kind of muscle in the end. Thankfully, Masteron has been known to achieve that, especially when taken in the correct dosage. 

As mentioned earlier, Masteron is also an effective estrogen inhibitor. And when estrogen in inhibited, then testosterone acts optimally, giving the best results yet. Besides being an effective aromatase inhibitor, Masteron is also good at increasing muscle definition. Since it inhibits estrogen from breaking down testosterone, the process of fat formation becomes slowed and instead gets converted to energy.

Another incredible use of Masteron is boosting performance in athletes. There have been many athletes who use it for their performances and have reported much better performance. 

I guess it has something to do with making muscles more muscular and leaner, thus performing optimally. Finally, doctors have linked Masteron with cancer treatment. Even though the research is still in its early stages, there is cause to believe that Masteron can prevent and treat breast cancer. I guess we will know more as time progresses.

Side Effects

Just like it’s the case with any other drug, taking Masteron comes with its fair share of side effects. One of these side effects is hair loss. Most of those who use Masteron, especially to abusing the substance, tend to have massive hair loss. Another side effect that’s common with regular Masteron users is low natural testosterone.

The latter is true because their bodies tend to become over-reliant on the new substance, thus limiting testosterone’s natural production. There have also been some who’ve reported elevated blood pressure. That said, if you are one of these, then you ought to stop using immediately and seek proper medical attention as your life might be in danger. 

Your cholesterol levels are also likely to take a hit. So, it would be in your best interest not to let things get worse because it might affect your health. Once again, if your cholesterol levels get dangerously low, that should be your cue to stop taking it altogether. Other side effects include acne and increased aggression. 

Signs and Symptoms 

Individuals who use Masteron mostly exhibit certain traits. These may include a much deeper voice as a result of increased artificial testosterone in the system. Bone mineral content will also increase, and so will collagen synthesis. Your levels of MGF hormones and IGF-1 will also increase. Your muscle tissues will also have an anti-catabolic effect on them. Your hemoglobin will also increase as your hair darkens and thickens. 


There is a clear difference between the basic and the advanced Masteron cycle. That said, you should always start with the basics and get used to it before bumping things up a notch. For the millionth time, you might want to bring a doctor, or any other professional for that matter, to help you out. 

You can also get an experienced user who seems to have everything about their Masteron cycle figured out. Doing it on your lonesome, especially if you have no experience, can be quite dangerous. So, why put your life at risk? You might also want to get straight to work after mastering your Masteron cycles. Despite having anabolic steroids in your system, you still have to put in the work. 
