Full Body Check Up List – What You Need To Know

Body Check-up

A full body check up is usually a routine medical examination that is recommended for anyone who is over the age of 40 years. It is a thorough examination of the head, neck, shoulders and torso. It involves a thorough examination of the patient’s organs, including the heart, lungs, liver, pancreas and kidney. It would also include blood, urine and even sputum examinations. Such a full body examination is normally done in a hospital or similar medical facility and would be routinely done in case of any serious health problem or abnormality.

The complete exam would consist of a complete physical examination, laboratory tests and imaging tests such as x-rays, MRIs, CT scans, PET scans and blood tests. A full body check up checklist will list down all of the tests that are typically performed. The doctor would also like to know the history of the person’s health and current state of health. He would also like to know about the family medical history. All these factors are taken into consideration when carrying out a full body check up.

The first things on the checklist would be testing the person’s blood pressure and pulse rate. Next in the list would be tests relating to the heart, lungs, liver, pancreas, kidneys and so on. The next tests would be tests relating to the brain, abdomen, eyes, nasal cavity, throat, ears, reflexes and the skin. If there is pain or discomfort in any part of the body, it would be tested too. The last tests would be for infections and conditions such as diabetes, tuberculosis and sexually transmitted diseases.

It is important for one to know that the check up checklist would differ depending on the country where he/she is undergoing the test. For instance, in the United States, there are specific tests which are considered compulsory. In other countries, the tests which are deemed unnecessary are not performed. The procedures of the administration of the different tests would also differ from country to country.

Full check up is not just a matter of physical examination; there is more to it than that. A thorough check helps in the early detection of certain problems in the system, and the early treatment of the same. This means that even if one does not feel well, it would be advisable to go for a check up to make sure. For those who work in high altitudes or those who engage in very physically demanding jobs, it is important to regularly conduct checks to avoid the spread of diseases such as AIDS and hepatitis.

One must remember that all countries have their own national full body check up regulations. However, the laws vary from one state to another. Hence, before going for a test, one must ensure that the clinic is certified to conduct the test. The fee charged for a test is also different from one country to another. It is advisable to gather a full body check up list from a trustworthy clinic to ensure that the test ordered is not too high or too low.
