
Melanotan is a lab-created chemical that’s supposed to help those with a wide range of skin-related ailments. The chemical does so by mimicking a hormone that’s the response for healthy skin but presented in the form of a supplement. Those who take melanotan tend to have a tan on their skin, as long as they are keen to follow the correct dosage. But that’s not the only use of Melanotan. But before we get to that, here are bits of information you might to know about melanotan 2:

How melanotan 2 works

As mentioned in the introduction, melanotan chemical is designed to mimic the melanocyte-stimulating hormone. So, when it’s injected into the skin, it goes straight to the brain through the bloodstream and where it stimulates the production of melanin. Melanin, which is responsible for skin darkening, will then find its way to the skin, making it darker thus more resistant to the sun’s harshness. 

For the injection to work perfectly, you need to ensure that the instructions are followed to the latter. Failure to do so can result in devastating side effects. So, I would strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor for the right melanotan 2 dosage. Your doctor can also give you tips on how to manage the side effects if any. 

Uses of melanotan 2

Melanotan was created specifically to add tan to the skin, with the ultimate goal of preventing cancer caused by over-exposure to severe sunrays. The chemical supplement is administered via injection under the skin. You can do it yourself if you are good at following instructions to the latter. If not, I would strongly recommend that you get a health professional to do it. 

Even though the supplement was developed for skin tanning, doctors were quick to notice that the Barbie drug, as it’s popularly known, can also trigger other areas of the brain in a good way. The first thing they were quick to notice was the drug’s ability to rectify erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is a condition that has plagued the male gender for ages. 

So, you can guess the kind of excitement men heard when they realized they could get a good turn and a steady erection as a bonus. But that’s a story for another day. One side effect is that it can result in nausea. So, you should seek professional advice and get your dosage from a legit source. The latter will limit the side effects of the drug while keeping you away from any dangerous, unregulated substances that are being peddled as melanotan 2.

Side effects of using melanotan 2

Injecting the Barbie drug, just like it’s the case with any other pharmaceutical drug, has its fair share of side effects. One such side effect already mentioned is nausea. Another side effect that’s most likely to occur is stomach cramps, especially in women. If that happens, you might want to reduce the dosage or stop immediately as it can be quite severe. 

Some have reported having less appetite as soon as they got injected with the chemical supplement. This effect can be managed by injecting drugs that are supposed to boost your appetite. But, if the lack of appetite increases, it might be a sign for you to stop using the drug and look for other options available to you.

Another side effect is tiredness. Again, these side effects may or may not be available to you because the drug affects people differently. So, if you tend to experience unusual tiredness when using melanotan 2, then you might want to stop immediately and see your doctor immediately. Also, there might be a reason for your fatigue so, you have to make sure you’ve exhausted all your options, and you’ll be good to go. 

Having a hard, steady erection is every man’s dream. That’s not usually the case when you start getting spontaneous erections, as it may be the case with some avid melanotan 2 users. If you have spontaneous erections as a result of melanotan 2 usage, then, for the umpteenth time, stop before you end up embarrassing yourself.

Some melanotan users have experienced the emergence of new moles on their skin after use. Others, especially those who already had moles, have reported a change in the mole’s shape. The latter is never a good sign because the chances are that it’ll quickly turn cancerous if not taken care of with immediate effect. The changes in mole shapes and new ones’ appearance is usually a side effect of overdosing.

Thankfully, all of these side effects are quite manageable. The first step is being aware of them, and the second step will be finding ways of managing them. You can find so many tips shared online. If you are not confident with the internet’s information, you can always seek direct assistance from the specialists, your doctor being one of them. 

Safety concerns

Despite having all the benefits mentioned above, it is essential to note the dangers. That way, you can always be cautious with your usage. For instance, pregnant women or have just given birth and are breastfeeding aren’t supposed to take the injection. Melanotan 2 has been known to affect both the mother and child due by causing hormonal inconsistencies. 


Knowing the proper dosing of this drug can and will exempt you from a lot of suffering. Again, if you aren’t that good at following instructions, then I would strongly suggest you seek a doctor to help you out. That said, if your reason for using melanotan 2 is tanning your skin, then you’ll need to inject approximately 0.025 mg/kg. 

The latter means you have to know your exact weight before knowing how much of the chemical to inject into your body. For those who are looking to reverse erectile dysfunction, then the proper dosage is also o.025 mg/kg. Make sure you are using the correct syringe to inject yourself. 

When should you see a doctor after injecting melanotan?

Consulting your doctor before attempting to inject melanotan 2 is always a good thing. Doing so will help you learn a lot about what to expect when you introduce the chemical into your body. It is also very important for you to know the dosage. If you’re confident in doing it all by yourself, you need to follow the instructions down to the last one.

Another good time to consult with your doctor is when the usual symptoms are getting out of hand. These symptoms will include nausea, tiredness, spontaneous erections, loss of appetite. On regular occasions, such symptoms can be managed. But the moment you feel as though they are getting out of hand, then that’s the perfect time to visit your doctor. But before you get to that point, you’ll first of all need to stop injecting the chemical immediately.


When it comes to melanotan 2, or any other pharmaceutical drug, you need to stick to the dosage. Doing so will not only give you optimum performance but also keep you safe. Make sure you are getting your supply from a legit source. Failure to do so can only result in more complicated issues that you might want to avert by any means necessary. 

Thankfully, there are a handful of businesses that deal with authentic pharmaceuticals, including legit steroids.
