Equipoise: Uses, Benefits, Dosage, And Everything You Need To Know Before Buying


What is Equipoise? What is the dosage? What do you need to know? What is the benefit? Where can you buy it from? There is a complete guide below. At Brew, you will get every steroid that you want. We have hundreds of listings and thousands of choices to choose from. We provide you all your steroid needs at the best price on the market. When you visit Brewly, you become our family, and we serve our family only the best. So, let’s dive right into the topic.

Equipoise: EQ 

(Other names Ganabol, Ultragan, Boldenone)

What is EQ? A Basic Detail.

Every athlete desires a mild Muscle Strengthening Steroid to improve physical fitness. Its benefits are slow but consistent, and results can easily be observed every week.

For what was this steroid first developed? 

Equipoise was first developed for animals’ uses, i.e., the veterinarian uses, but later, athletes started using it to enhance their stamina and performance.

Equipoise is still used in racing horses that compete in big games like the Olympics, despite being banned.

Health Issues from EQ:

Equipoise causes several health issues in men like a decrease in Testosterone, issues in their reproductive system, infertility, reduction in the size of their testes, low sperm count, and low sperm mobility.

Mechanism of Action / Pharmacokinetics

Androgen and Anabolic Steroid

Substrate for 5α-reductase converted in 1-testosterone.

Half-Life 14 Days

Signs of strong anabolic effects, moderate androgenic effects, weak estrogenic effects, and without any factors of risk.

Route of Administration 

Intramuscular I/M 

Oral pills


What is the Ideal dose for EQ?

Dose 400-600 mg milligrams per week (men)

Duration Minimum 10 Weeks

Can use with supplements

Anadrol Or injectable Testosterone

Specific Benefits of Equipoise: 

1. Increases muscle mass by positive nitrogen balance 

2. Stimulate protein production

3. Reduces protein destruction

4. Stimulates the blood

5. Increase power and appetite

6. Raised RBCs improve the delivery of oxygen to the muscles

7. Slow acting but the long duration of action

8. Beneficial in a Cutting cycle of muscle growth

What is the dosage and cycle of EQ? 

It is administered in divided doses of 200mg for each. 

It is taken on Alternative DAYs MON/WED/FRI.

EQ Cycle Weeks 1  

EQ at 200 mg/week

EQ Cycle Weeks 2  

EQ at 400 mg/week

EQ Cycle Weeks 3  

EQ at 400 mg/week

EQ Cycle Weeks 4  

EQ at 400 mg/week

EQ Cycle Weeks 5  

EQ at 600 mg/week

EQ Cycle Weeks 6  

EQ at 600 mg/week

EQ Cycle Weeks 7  

EQ at 600 mg/week

EQ Cycle Weeks 8  

EQ at 600 mg/week

EQ Cycle Weeks 9  

EQ at 200 mg/week

EQ Cycle Weeks 10 EQ at 200 mg/week

Post Cycle Therapy

Post-cycle therapy is essential after a delay of one week.

It usually lasts from one month to six weeks.

Drugs used commonly are Testosterone Booster and Estrogen Blockers.

Why is Equipoise Preferred over Deca?

Equipoise has steady gains of muscle mass and strength but very few estrogenic side effects.

What are the Side Effects of EQ? Do you need to worry about that?

Equipoise has no such side effects. 

Fluid retention in muscles is much less as compared with .another steroid.

Some may feel anxiety or psychosis.

Skin Rashes

Oily Skin

Other Forms of Equipoise:

It has some other forms also. 

Boldenone acetate,



All these forms have no such difference Duration of action for these Forms vary.


Anabolic steroids, boldenone, Brewly, Equipoise Cycle, Anabolic Steroid, Equipoise

Countries Using Equipoise:


Availability: Where can you find EQ easily and at a cheaper rate?

Due to its various advantages, Equipoise has high demand in the market. And it is available only in high-end online stores. Make sure to buy from any trusted buyer having a refund policy. One should make sure it should be Genuine.

There is no need for a prescription while ordering online.

Why should you buy EQ from Brewly?

We have a specialized team of experts and researchers. Every product listed for sale is tested and passed through a strict Quality control Mechanism and Tested by the Medical Team, transmitted to the laboratory before being presented for sale.

Unbeatable Pricing And Secure Payment Method

Brewing is a well-known platform for selling Equipoise.

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Feasibility of Easy Selection From Diversity

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Final Thoughts on EQ: 

It takes at least ten weeks for Equipoise to start showing its effects. It is mild so that it can run for more than ten weeks.

Deca is mainly used for bulking cycles, while Equipoise is basically used for cutting cycles.

Equipoise ensures steady muscle gain but at a slow rate. When you use the pills, use them very carefully, it will help reduce any harm to your body.

Equipoise helps in strengthening your muscles. Every athlete uses it to improve their physical fitness so that they can efficiently perform the best. 

Post-cycle will be recommended to you after a delay of a week.

There are no significant side effects. Some are oily skin, skin rashes; one effect is anxiety which is something serious.

There are different forms of Equipoise, and every state has its duration to start working actively.

You have to be patient when using EQ. It does not affect every guy in the same manner. Some men start seeing changes from the starting days, and some start it after weeks. Many of them don’t use it correctly and then blame that it’s good for nothing. We will recommend you have patience while running a cycle. 

Equipoise is excellent for losing fat and gaining muscles that will develop at a slow rate, but it will be consistent. And always remember, slow and steady wins the race, like the tortoise!
