
Matt Ogus is an American bodybuilder known for two things; his YouTube channel and his incredible physique. Dubbed “Flex for all”, Matt’s YouTube channel contains many bodybuilding videos, all relating to bodybuilding and matters surrounding it. Here are some bits of information you may or may not know about this famous bodybuilder.

Early life

Just like most of us, Matt Ogus wasn’t born with perfectly chiseled abs. Again, just like most of us, matt loved playing video games as a kid. And it wasn’t until he was a teen that he developed an interest in weight training. At first, his ultimate goal wasn’t to be a bodybuilder. Matt just wanted to be in shape. 

Thankfully, his football coach gave him all the support he needed to achieve his goal. Since matt was as green as a shoot when he started, his coach guided him and taught him everything he knew about weights. And that’s how he fell in love with it and never looked back. So, after graduating high school, Matt figured it best to focus on bodybuilding rather than going off to college as most of his age mates did. 

He then created his YouTube channel shortly after and began putting up content regularly. At first, he didn’t think it’d come too much since his goal was to help those trying to get into weightlifting. Little did he know that his YouTube channel was going to blow up to the point of making him a celebrity within the bodybuilding community. 


Matt was a hard worker from the get-go, or at least he thought he was. That was until he got into his first competition and realized that others were working harder than him. Thankfully, that didn’t discourage Matt. Instead of shying away from competition, he embraced it. Besides working out harder, Matt decided to create a social media presence. 

For that, he realized he had to create a Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram account. His YouTube account, Flex For All, was officially started on the 26th of December 2010. Today, it has well over 600,000 subscribers and 130,000,000 views from all of its videos. Since matt has been doing this long, many people turn to his channel for advice and techniques. And since he has monetized all of his videos, YouTube has become one of his main income streams.

Apart from working out, Matt has also taken the liberty of advising his YouTube subscribers on the proper diets to follow. Again, he has been around the bodybuilding community for so long that he knows a thing or two that many “casuals” don’t. 

Matt also concerns himself with his subscribers who don’t want to gain muscle but lose weight. For those who wish to have a six-pack as chiseled as Matt’s, he has a free program that you can download for absolutely free! 


Matt is married to his lovely Brittany, who is also a YouTube personality. They are both into fitness, and that makes them a cute couple to watch. Unlike Matt, Brittany went to college and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Health Education. She focuses on sharing tips on losing weight through proper dieting and exercise. 

Brittany posts on her Instagram on a regular basis, where she’s managed to have followers on the upwards of 260,000. She also has a YouTube channel that she started on the 5th of February 2014. Today, the channel has about 90,000 subscribers, a number that keeps on increasing with each video she uploads. And as mentioned earlier, Brittany has a knack for posting good content regularly. 

Net worth 

Matt has been around the block for a while. Thanks to the hard work over the years building both his body & brand, he amassed a wealth of approximately $300,000. 

As stated earlier, most of his earnings come from his YouTube channel. Matt also has a cloth line dubbed “Half Natty” that he gets to promote any chance he gets. If he continues putting in the work as he does, then the sky is the limit for this young bodybuilder.

Workout routine

As mentioned several times before, matt didn’t get to look like he does without putting in the necessary work. And since he often gets the question of how he managed to achieve his admirable physique, Matt took the liberty to make public his routine. Without further ado, here is how his workout timetable looks like:

  • Monday: While most go for leg day as their choice of workout on Mondays, matt decided to go the exact opposite and consider it his leg day. Matt starts things off with deadlifts on that famous 5/3/1 style as a warm-up. He’ll then proceed with lunges, squats, donkey raises, calf raises, leg press, dragon flags, hanging leg raises, and cable crunches. 
  • Tuesday: After a heavy Monday, matt often takes time off on Tuesdays to allow his body to recover and heal.
  • Wednesday: Matt reserves this day for upper body. He kicks things off with the traditional bench-press, dumbbell row, pullups, chin-ups, T-bar row, dips, barbell row, barbell, and dumbbell curls, among others.
  • Thursday: Just like Tuesday, Matt prefers to take Thursday off in a bid to rest his upper body. He prefers staying in and eating lots of proteins to aid his body recover as well as build. 
  • Friday: Matt prefers to repeat the exercises he does on Monday on this day.
  • Saturday: Matt repeats all the exercises on Wednesdays on Saturday.
  • Sundays are off days for Matt.

It’s pretty easy for you to see how Matt focuses on rest and diet from his workout routine. If he didn’t, then the chances are that he wouldn’t have the kind of physique that he has. Matt often encourages his followers to diversify workouts during specific days because monotony can get boring quickly. And if you aren’t used to that, then chances are that you’re going to stop, especially if you are starting.

Besides intensified weight training, Matt also focuses on cardiovascular exercises. According to him, losing weight is just as crucial as gaining muscle. That’s why Matt does cardio thrice a week. Feel free to stop by his YouTube channel to find out what he does. He has everything from the exercises retrofitted for beginners, intermediate, and experts. So, it’s on you to take your pick. 

To achieve the kind of physique that Matt boasts, he has to eat close to 225g of protein daily. Since it was virtually impossible to do that using regular food, Matt somehow comes up with a way around that. Only 5g of his protein supplement comes from Creatine.

Because of this, many have speculated that maybe Matt has used or still uses steroids before. And since Matt hasn’t come out to refute any claims, it’s safe to assume that he is an active partaker of steroids. Thankfully, not all steroids are harmful, especially if your goal is to use it as per the guidelines. 

As long as you have a reputable supplier, make sure you are following the introductions to the latter, then you’ll be good to go. The prices are also very competitive. Besides steroids, you can also find other safe, lab-tested HGH, orals, peptides, Cialis, and many other pharmaceuticals at your disposal.

Anabolic steroids aside, Matt also focuses on measuring his meals, ensuring that a single ounce of nutrients goes to waste. I guess that’s the kind of discipline that makes him stand out. Foods that always make it to his plate include eggs, vinegar, fish oil, onion, oats, potatoes, cinnamon, and chicken breasts. Matt is also a massive fan of coffee. He often switches it with green tea. 

Take a look at his YouTube channel, and you’ll find a handful of videos of him talking about how he prepares his meals. Matt also encourages his followers to carry out personal research and get their unique recipes as he doesn’t expect what he likes to apply to everyone else. 

Besides YouTube, you can find Matt’s content on Instagram, where he has a good following, as mentioned above. You can also find him on Twitter though he hasn’t been that active for years. 
