3 Tips On How to Keep Your Job Even if You Have Poor Health


It seems like everybody these days wants to know: “Why was it important for the institute of medicine to develop its six aims for healthy living?” There is a wide variety of answers offered. For some it is simply a matter of personal opinion; they feel that everyone should have as healthy of a life as possible, with fewer cautions against addiction or unhealthy dietary habits. However, as we have seen, this answer is problematic at best; and at worst, outright foolish. If you are asking yourself this question, the following thoughts may help. 

First, in order to understand: why it was important for the institute of medicine to develop its six aims for healthy living, it is worth looking at some of the work that was done in the past century. The medical profession did not become popular until the last few decades. Many people were turned away from the medical profession when it first began to be seen as “elitist” rather than a “necessary” part of the population; many young people grew up thinking that if they wanted a career in medicine, they would have to go to college and get a degree. Many young people still believe this today. 

It is true that the medical profession changed; but is this a change for the better?

Studies have shown that medical school has changed the way doctors think about the reason for good health; and the reasons for poor health. There used to be a stigma attached to being healthy; a reason why students were sent away to get a degree in “other” subjects, as opposed to “medical” subjects. But what is changed now is the fact that everybody from the president of the United States to everybody else is concerned about the state of the health of the American populace; and everybody knows that the condition of the United States’ health care is very poor. 

Now, the reasons: for being healthy are not just about being able to have six fingers and toes without being born with them. The first aim was always to try to help people live longer and better. When we speak of a healthy society, we mean having a healthy population. We want healthy people; healthy countries. And to help promote the health of individuals and to eliminate disease; we need to make sure that everyone has access to adequate healthcare. 

The second reason: to why was it important for the institute of medicine to develop its six aims for healthy living was to help scientists find a cure for all human and animal diseases. Without a strong research program in diseases, nothing will be done to help save the world. When you consider the fact that nearly 1% of the world’s total population suffers from one or more diseases, it becomes clear just how critical this problem is. And, it is only a problem that can be solved if enough research effort is made. 

The sixth aim to why was it important: for the institute of medicine to develop its six aims for healthy living was also supposed to help make the world a better place. In order to do this, we must reduce the burden of traditional medicine. No other form of medical treatment can completely replace it. And this can be done through better education, information dissemination and through better use of current resources.

When these efforts are combined with improved ways of caring for our bodies and minds, we will begin to realize that we are truly on the road to becoming great human beings.
